
Saturday, January 26, 2008

OMG!!! Prelim jitters!!!

Really, the first thing that came to my mind was "What the FUCK?!" I just got my prelim exam dates from my fren.. Its really amazing - last econs lecture will be on 21st Feb, prelim starts on 23rd Feb. Fucking work us like a DOG sia.. zzz.. Damm pissed.

STI rallied like crazy today - recovered almost everything since monday's scare. I missed the boat, should have posted a higher bidding price but its ok, there'll always be other boats to catch.

Alan's bet on AC Milan winning the soccer finals went *poof* when AC lost their game against God knows who.. I'm not a big fan of soccer, so i really know nuts about the game.. just that the odds are pretty amazing - 1vs9 or 1vs10, effectively 900% or 1000% returns.. lolz... ya i know, wtf right?

Well, i've been studying again, doing papers like there's no tomolo.. lolz... damm bloody, freaking tired.. it doesn't really very help to add on the fact that i'm in the midst of a job change.. typing resume, sending it here sending it there.. lolz.. I've slacked enough le, gotta do something about my life.

Went supper with evann juz now... so i'm pretty full - had mee goreng and hor fun, 2 person eat lo.. hmm.. She permed her hair, look a bit more mature le, i guess it'll take a while to get used to her new look ba...

k, gotta rest le... tomolo still got work.. zzz...

Friday, January 18, 2008

on MC!!!!

Hahahahahahahahaha.. can't really remember the last time i fell ill le... lol... its like such a damm long time ago. hmm... actually i caught the virus from my frens - cynthia who was sick on sunday, we actually met up together with evann for revision, then she was coughing away.. quite bad tho. I went back home, still ok, alive and kicking, so i thought my resistance was actually very good. Then wed came, i went to work, jaslyn came back from macau together with the deadly macau flu virus!!! That was when i actually caught the bug, and i was sneeeeeeezing throughout the day, and thurs as well. sigh... well, as a consolation, my doc gave me 2 days mc plus a ton of medicine that causes drowsiness.. hmm... makes me lethargic tho... dun like.

My sis has been you tubing, online spreeing, shopping, spending money like the nigara falls.. zzz... hua yi ju ho lor... lolz... Jeff dunham's puppet shows featuring achmed the dead terriorist is damm funny... SILENCE! I'LL KILL U! is his tagline.. lol.. check it out ppl, he rawks.

now i'm just taking a break from my maths assignment... zzz... doing eigen values, eigen vectors, consumer surplus, producer surpluses... zzz... dammmmmmmmmm sianz!!!!!!! lol.. well, bite the bullet lor, aiming for top student, then quit my job in UOB and join shell as an analyst. xD HUAT AH! GOD IS DAMM F***ING GOOD!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

On maximum gear...

The very very very first post for 2008!!!! hahahahahahaa!!! I've been so busy i didn't even know where to start! Hmmm... maybe i'll just do a v brief update (may take a while... even though its summmarised).

The very very top of the list, and something i really wanna SHOUT to the world - i think i've found my better half! ^^ No, i'm not talking about maplestory - i'm talking about real life! Everything's not confirmed yet, I've prayed and asked the Lord for His timing, He said "6 months", and i prayed on the 31st Dec last year, so that means the answer would probably be released this coming june... Keep me in prayers okie? I need all the help i can get! ^^

Obviously u can tell that i'm super excited and totally adore this mystery girl i've been talking about. Nobody knows this news yet, except for one of my closest friend, u might be able to guess, but u know, she's not telling. xD

kays!! updates updates!! Christmas was a blast! Maybe overhyped but it was actually quite fun, we went to mind cafe @ boat quay, played some weird board game, went to UOB plaza and had carolling, took pics with the tree and counted down there n then. =)

New year eve was spent at east coast park BBQing the whole evening, then my fren ripped open a box of fireworks n we kinda made a mini 4th of July there.

After new year i started mugging on a daily basis... Going all out for that coverted straight distinction.. honestly i dunno if i'm actually aiming for top honors or just straight dist.. I'm damm damm tired!

I've decided to stop mapling-its taking up too much time and it has a purging effect on my memory.. =/ plus i didn't really have the time nor the mood to play, since exams are so damm near. (its in may, but what the hell, i'm aiming for something ridiculously hard to achieve... and i'm competing on the same level playing field as the full timers.... damm tough.. lucky i've Jesus!)

Sociology seems to be heading on the right track, I scored a "fantastic" for my 1st test! Woo Hoo! A+! and today was the 2nd test... i guess i'll do well too, but its still a little early to say..

My plan is pretty simple, Jan clear statistics, Feb clear maths, Mar finish up soci, Apr finish up Econs, May exams. Which easily translates into mugging all the way. Guess i'll only get a break in June, which may be the time i'll spend to seek the Lord for the next step and for directions. If all goes well, by the grace of God, i'll be attached and i'll tell the whole world about it. Sept will be the time when the results are announced, a straight dist = change of job, probably joining shell / exxon mobil as a financial analyst - again by His grace.

So now i get to suffer, but like Joseph, i know all things will eventually turn out well. Because Jesus is alive!